Healthcare Bias, Fat Activism, and Neurodivergence with Nicola Salmon

activism advocacy healthcare podcast Aug 15, 2024

In the latest episode of our podcast, we had the privilege to sit down with Nicola Salmon, a renowned fat-positive fertility coach and activist. Nicola shares her insightful perspectives on body autonomy, advocating for respectful healthcare, and navigating fertility challenges in larger bodies. This blog post aims to encapsulate the essence of our conversation, highlighting key takeaways and practical advice.

Understanding Our Worth

Nicola kicks off the discussion with Annie's favourite highlight by emphasising the importance of recognising our inherent worthiness of care, regardless of our size or health history. She states, "Don't question that you deserve that care because you absolutely do. Whatever you have or haven't done in your life, you're born worthy of receiving appropriate, respectful, and evidence-based care." This sentiment sets the tone for the entire conversation, reminding us that everyone deserves respectful healthcare.

The Challenges of Advocacy

Advocacy is a recurring theme in our talk, as Nicola underscores how society doesn't teach us the skills we need to advocate for ourselves, especially in medical settings. “It sometimes just takes practice,” she says, “trying to get a different doctor if your doctor's crap, trying to have a different conversation around getting them to be on your side, to be on your team."

The importance of self-advocacy becomes particularly evident when discussing interactions with healthcare professionals. Nicola’s advice extends to anyone who feels marginalised in medical scenarios, encouraging persistence and a refusal to settle for subpar care.

Nicola’s Journey: From Diagnosis to Advocacy

Nicola also shares her personal journey of living with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), a condition often accompanied by stigmatisation and misguided medical advice. Her experience with acupuncture not only provided physical relief but also set her on the path to becoming an acupuncturist and fertility coach. “I realised that I wanted to help people more, to support them with the emotional aspects of the vulnerable and emotive journey of navigating fertility issues," she explains.

Her journey into fat activism began when she became acutely aware of diet culture's damaging effects on people with PCOS and other fertility issues. The revelation that dieting did not support her health led Nicola to divest from diet culture entirely. “Dieting does not help. The years of experience I had in dieting made that clear to me,” she asserts.

Additionally, starting her own family made Nicola realise the influence her own relationship with food and her body could have on her children. She notes, "around that time, I stumbled upon some other incredible fat folks on Instagram. Just, you know, living their fabulous lives, being fat, not giving a sh*t, and I was just like yes! I was like, holy crap, this is what I want!"

Moving towards fat acceptance was a big shift for Nicola, "I don't want my happiness and my health and my joy to be directly correlated to my body size. So that is when I started to like dip my toe in and start to like think about maybe how it would feel to not diet again and to just be fat and that be okay."

Breaking Down Medical Bias

Nicola’s advocacy work includes breaking down the biases and misconceptions prevalent in both the medical field and society at large. She points out the flawed research and the societal bias that perpetuates the mistreatment of fat individuals. “The more work I do in this field, the more angry I get, because the research is not there to support the mistreatment of fat people; it’s purely based on societal bias.”

Mental Health & Advocacy

Both Nicola and Annie share personal anecdotes about the intersection of mental health and navigating medical systems. They discuss the vital role of setting boundaries with healthcare providers to protect one's mental health, particularly for those with eating disorders or past trauma. "I refused to discuss my diet with endocrinologists during my pregnancy because it was too triggering," Annie explains, highlighting Nicola’s advice on how setting firm boundaries can lead to more respectful and effective healthcare.

Looking Forward: Continuous Advocacy

As the conversation winds down, Nicola shares her hopes for the future, stressing the necessity of education and understanding among healthcare providers. She believes that systemic change is crucial and urges fat individuals to continue advocating for themselves vehemently. “You should both [patient and doctor] be working towards the goal of supporting your health and wellbeing,” she concludes.

Our conversation with Nicola Salmon is a powerful reminder of the need for continuous advocacy and awareness in the fight for respectful and equitable healthcare. Her experience and insights offer valuable lessons for everyone, not just those navigating fertility or living in larger bodies. By understanding and asserting our worth, setting boundaries, and persistently advocating for respectful care, we can all contribute to a more compassionate and inclusive medical system.

To delve deeper into Nicola’s work and resources, we highly recommend checking out her extensive contributions in the field of fertility and body positivity. Her advocacy helps pave the way for a future where everyone is treated with the dignity and respect they deserve.


For more insights from Nicola Salmon, explore her website and listen to her enlightening podcast episodes where she continues to break barriers and educate on the importance of body autonomy and respectful healthcare.

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